Yearly or Long Term Rentals Cyprus is devoted to properties of good quality for all kinds of rental.

As a result, the rental on these carefully chosen dwellings is lower than you would expect, and even less than on the often smaller properties that are intended for weekly rental over the summer months alone.

Yearly rentals also acts as a medium term specialist and we have contact with many repeat clients from Cyprus who are happy to rent out  for 4 month to 6 months.Understandably the rental in the summer for a shorter period of time will be higher than the advertised monthly rate for a year-long contract.


From Deryneia, Paralimni, Ayia Thekla, Kapparis, Ayia Napa and Protaras we have gathered excellent opportunities from discerning owners who want stable, long term clients for their beautiful properties.

Why shoulder a heavy mortgage or anchor yourself in a particular place before you have considered all of the options?With Yearly Rentals Cyprus, you can preserve your freedom of choice and the quality of your lifestyle.

Long & Short Term

Although Yearly Rentals Cyprus is a long term rentals specialist, we often have properties available for shorter term rental or for holidays. All properties are marked with this in mind.

Let us know what you need and we will arrange things for you.

Due to the unexpected demand in rental properties in the Famagusta area, we are nearly fully booked however we would much appreciate an email with your details and requirements after the 1/3/2017.

We do have a number of apartments where the tenancy is due to expire this year and these when known details will be updated and appear on our web site.

If you are an owner or know anyone who would like to rent their property in this area-please tell them to make contact soonest.

We specialize in properties in the eastern corner of Cyprus